SPORTS NLP - Improve your language patterns for accelerated player performance

N.L.P. = Neuro-linguistic Programming


What is NLP?

NLP is a practical body of knowledge about human communication, behavior and performance. It is about how our thinking affects how we feel, and how our feelings affect how we behave. It has been around since the 1970's and was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the United States. They spent many hours observing, modelling and coding the behavior of experts in the communication, performance and psycho-therapy fields finding that there is a connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming). As NLPers we believe that human beings can make changes, learn new skills and adapt to achieve specific goals in life. 

There are many practical tools and techniques that allows a coach to examine, change and enhance how we operate to ensure that we can optimally perform as well as bring out the potential in sporting athletes and tennis players.

N = Neuro (the nervous system through which our experience is processed via the senses (VAKOG).

L = Linguistic (Language and other non-verbal communication systems through which our words, pictures, sounds and feelings are coded, ordered and given meaning).

P = Programming (how do we “do” our world through physical behaviors, emotions and intellectual ability).

What's your WHY?

Here are some potential challenges you may be experiencing;

  • Burnout – you are tired of doing the same drills over and over again and your message just isn’t sticking
  • What is NLP?
  • You find that you only relate to half of your players.
  • You want to solutions and creative ways to know which coaching tool to use when!

Here is potential promises of becoming a Sports NLPer Coach;

  • You feel fresh because you understand that people have different maps of the world. 
  • You discover that you have to change who you are to bring out the best in all of your players.
  • You communicate in such a way that it accelerates player development.
  • Ultimately, you fall back in love with the reason you began coaching in the first place

Can you relate to any of these statements? What's your WHY? 

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Course Goals:

  • 1) Become more self-aware
  • 2) Increase your coaching toolkit
  • 3) Apply your NLPer practical skills


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Course Sections:

  • Module 1) WHY – What is your motivation?
  • Module 2) WHAT – 5 strategies – Learning the foundation of NLP
  • Module 3) HOW – The practical tactics to apply the strategies (on-court)
  • Module 4) NOW – Apply your new skills
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Learning Preferences

  • V = Visual – players that see the world by constructing (imagining) or remembering mental images
  • A = Auditory – players that have a map of the world based on the sounds they hear
  • K = Kinaesthetic – players that understand the map of the through physical contact and feelings
  • Ad = Auditory Digital –that are often listening to inner dialogue in their heads, make decisions using a list of criteria and sequentially processing information

TESTIMONIAL - Neely Zervakis

“I first met Emma Doyle at the USPTA Mid-Atlantic Conference in 2019 and I absolutely loved her presentation on Aussie doubles tactics because it was engaging and practical. Afterwards I went up to express how amazing and helpful her presentation was and we instantly connected, sharing our passion for creative coaching solutions across the developmental pathway. Since then Emma has been my mentor and I know that I can go to her with anything. I have taken her course in Tennis NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and it was particularly helpful, and not just on the court, but in life. It’s about how our thinking affects how we feel and how our feelings affect how we behave. Coaching in a nutshell. Emma has encouraged me to use powerful key phrases and question starters, like ‘imagine if’ or ‘next time’ instead of focusing in the past. This helps the players to problem-solve in matches and build their resilience, which is tennis nutshell. Thank you Emma for everything you have done for me and I am so excited that I am on this learning journey with you.”

Neely is the associate director of tennis at the McCormack-Nagelsen Tennis Center,  Virginia,  first met Doyle at the USPTA Mid-Atlantic Conference in 2019.

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Your NLPer instructor
Emma Doyle

Emma Doyle is your NLPer instructor in this course focusing on improving your language patterns for accelerated player performance. At the end of this course you Emma will support you in turning your motivation into activation by encouraging you to use your new found skills.

This course will provide you with 5 strategies and numerous practical tools covering both on and off court techniques. It is appropriate for junior (10 + years right through to adults).

Emma is a Tennis Australia high-performance coach with a strong background as a touring professional having represented her native country of Australia over 20 times. She is passionate about helping individuals embrace coaching (NLPer) principles allowing them to discover their inner coach.

 The ball is in your court.

Click on the button below to learn more and let's start your journey as a NLPer.

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